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Ah Ilan
Thank YOU for an amazing day. Through you I was able to get up close to the real life of Soweto, however, more importantly, the real people of Soweto.
To witness warmth, pride, dignity and resilience of the people in amongst such a hard way of life was extremely moving.
I thank you from the depths of my heart for allowing me to share this experience with you, one that will remain with me.

I look forward to sharing more of life's experiences through your eyes.
Kind regards


Just a note to say that we are back now in the UK – arrived back this morning!

Thank you so much for our tour of Soweto – it was a real  highlight of our trip and very special. We would be very happy to write a review for you on trip advisor.

We bought 'The Bang Bang club' at the airport so I was able to spend some of the hours on the flight reading it. Having spent just  a small amount of time in Soweto made it all the more vivid. Thank you too for putting up with us for a bit longer at your home before we went to the play at the Market Theatre.
Ainsworth Family

"Thanks for an amazing adventure ---love the Millers"

Hi Ilan
We are very grateful to have arrived back safely to our home after the most amazing trip to SA.
It was wonderful to meet you and we can't thank you enough for the trip to Soweto.
We will never forget it.
The Cd is so good. Thank you so much. It is such an extra bonus to have your photos to remember the great sights we saw. I felt sometimes that we were all like excited little children seeing something new for the first time! It was energising and invigorating.
May you go from strength to strength and always enjoy it as much as we did yesterday!

So once again thank you for everything. We really appreciate everything you did for us.
Hope to meet you again one day.
All the best
Ruthie and Dovid Morgan


Hi Ilan
Thank you!!!
For an amazing afternoon and evening.
I couldn't imagine such an experience.
Thank you for the CD with the lovely pictures.


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